Welcome to BZ911.NET
The longest-running ANET Server on the 'Net

September 12, 2013 marked the 10th anniversary of the BZ911 ANET server coming online.

In 2003, the BZ community was down to one working ANET server located in Australia. The servers had been dropping off one at a time for a couple of years and we were concerned the last one would soon be gone.
{911)Woody discovered the source code for the ANET server on Dan Kegel's website - http://kegel.com/anet/ . With a lot of elbow grease and a little luck, Woody was able to get ANET compiled and installed on the BZ911 server.  The server has remained online for the past 10 years and will continue for the next 10, assuming someone will still be playing these games!

Supporting All ANET Enabled games including Interstate '76, Interstate '82, Mechwarrior 2, Dark Reign, Heavy Gear and my favorite - Battlezone

Information and downloads are available below:
  Battlezone The Original Battlezone, Version 1.4
  Battlezone Enhanced Battlezone Enhanced, Stand-Alone Battlezone significantly enhanced, including tanks and maps from TRO and BZ2
Battlezone 1.5 Modernized version of BZ that works with newer hardware and has many bug fixes